Launched with Roxie Nafousi, get your Manifest Manicure Gemini Pack and learn how to create the four iconic looks below 

To create these Manifest Manicure looks:


DIVE DEEPER - Apply the Ethos Base of your choice, then two layers of Gemini Duke. Finish with Ethos Mirror Top Coat for a super shiny finish.


I AM ENOUGH -Apply the Ethos Base of your choice, then one layer of our go to shades French Rose or French Créme. Use a dotting tool to apply a dot of Gemini Tangerine. Finish with Ethos Mirror Top Coat for a super shiny finish.


I AM WORTHY - A pply the Ethos Base of your choice, then one layer of our go to shades French Rose or French CrémeUse our Premium Synthetic Upper Arch Brush to create a neat french and line design using Gemini DukeFinish with Ethos Mirror Top Coat for a super shiny finish.


MANIFEST - Apply the Ethos Base of your choice, then two layers of Gemini Tangerine. Finish with Ethos Mirror Top Coat for a super shiny finish.


The Manifest Manicure pack. Get yours now